Today I was made President of Belfast Civic Trust

Clifton House, Belfast
our work
We believe that Belfast’s Victorian and Edwardian architectural core should be preserved and enhanced by sympathetic development for cultural, environmental and economic reasons. This will foster a better environment to live in, a brighter city and encourage tourism. We believe the city’s historic architecture is a tourist and economic asset.
We have produced walking trails in collaboration with Belfast City Council, Northern Ireland Tourist Board and Laganside Corporation. We organise bus tours of the city’s architectural heritage and culture and take part in European Open Heritage Day in this regard.
We are involved in the Civic Trust Awards Scheme which awards good new architecture.We promote the history of the city as a tourist draw.We campaign and lobby for new buildings in Belfast to be sympathetic to the character of the city and to be of a high design standard to make Belfast a better place for all to live in.
We liaise with local and central government, architects, planners, voluntary and community groups and other bodies on environmental issues.We have regular meetings with planners, environmental and cultural groups focusing on many different urban issues. Topics have included ‘Tourism and the Environment’ and ‘Revitalisation of Cathedral Quarter and Laganside’.
We have run the ‘Northern Ireland Schools’ Debating Competition’ as part of a campaign to increase awareness of the environment.